Thursday, December 31, 2009

Change Begins With Choice.....

Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, “The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. They need the truth. They need the whole truth. And they need nothing but the truth.We cannot allow our errors in judgment, repeated every day, to lead us down the wrong path. We must keep coming back to those basics that make the biggest difference in how our life works out. And then we must make the very choices that will bring life, happiness and joy into our daily lives.And if I may be so bold to offer my last piece of advice for someone seeking and needing to make changes in their life—if you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree. You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life, and it all begins with your very own power of choice....... -Jim Rohn

How...... I know I'm so behind on all the Holiday post and I promise they are coming..... I do have 2 new family members to introduce.......but for now...... Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

should i get my eyes checked?

so.... just the other day mr johnson says to me "i think i have figured out my problem when i'm out hunting." addie who is just within hear-shot pipes-in with "what getting the deer to come in where you can shoot them?!" i just fall in the floor laughing and mr johnson who i might add is not laughing says "well, no daughter, i was going to say that i cannot see the deer coming in because i'm not wearing my glasses; but........"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Backseat Dialogs.....

so..... i'm starting a new topic and it's the interesting and comical conversations that go on between the 2RedHens and each other or one of them and me or Mr. Johnson, or any combination of these people. I've posted some of these before but now i'll be posting them more frequently...... so starting tomorrow the Backseat Dialogs, buckle up... it's going to be a a crazy ride......ha!

Boo Y'all!

Here they are Halloween 2009 Pictures....... Elliott decided to be a Calico Kitty this year and Addie wanted to be a Punk Rocker...... So, in true 2RedHens style we glammed it up and rocked it out!!! We dressed up for school on Friday. Then on Saturday it was off to church for the GIC and Pumpkin Patch Party. The girls children choir sang before the Pumpkin Patch, the 2RedHens didn't dress up again they just played...... and play they did.... I think they had more fun this year than ever because we kinda let them go and didn't follow them around the entire time...... I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween...... Now it time to......Bring on the Turkey!

Monday, November 2, 2009

has she finally found her calling.......

Well.... maybe not...... but the Big RedHen has been taking violin lessons at school for the past 5 weeks. Hartselle City started last year with a program that introduced violin to all 3rd graders. Mr. Frank from the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra was the teacher and he came twice a week for lessons. He taught them using the Suzuki approach, and let me just say I was truly amazed at what a roomful of 3rd graders had accomplished in such a short amount of time. The parents were invited for a recital on the last day to see what all had been learned. They had learned all the parts of the violin and actually played several songs. Well, they were playing the accompaniment for Mr. Frank, but I was impressed! But..... her calling.....well..... let's just say were still looking.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

i've been baking.....well sorta....

Well.... I've been crafting anyway..... and oh how I love to craft! When I started this blog I intended on sharing my crafts but as you can see I haven't gotten around to that yet..... but today I do!

The sweetest couple EVER at our church Beau and Amy are having a baby and I decided to give making diaper cakes a go for decorations for the shower....and here they are! I made 3 ... my plans are to use my three glass cake plates that are different heights and use the two smaller ones on the food table and the bigger one on the gift table....

So..... I can't wait for Randi Grace Gaddis to get here because all these baby smelling diapers in my house sure are making me miss having a baby! And I'll try to take pics of them on the table tomorrow and upload them for all to see.......

Monday, September 21, 2009


Where has the last month gone........ well, let's see....... I've been working at the Patrick Johnson Agency..... taking, picking up, and getting 2RedHens ready for school everyday..... we've been having Grand Openings....... (that turned out better than we could have hoped for, by the way!) ..... I quit working at Quail Creek so I would have more time to help Mr. Johnson and time to spend with the girls....... we've all had Strep.....but so far no flu....... we've been getting to know our new teacher's ....... the big redhen has been getting to spend some time in gifted class during the week.....the little redhen has been checking not one but 2 books out of the school library..... we've had a grandparent's pancake breakfast and a grandparent's read-in at school...... we've done our first book report....... and our first 6 weeks has already ended (where did that time go?) ........ we've celebrated Mr. Johnson's 33rd birthday.... and he and I went to a Corey Smith concert with some friends ( front row!) ...... So, What have y'all been doing?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Day of School......

This year Mr. Johnson got to take the 2RedHens to school of the 1st day because I had to be in Huntsville by 8:00 for P&C classes and so...... I didn't get to drop them off..... it made me very sad to miss the 1st day drop off..... but it went off without a hitch..... well, that is Mr. Johnson's story and he's sticking to it! So, now we officially have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader..... oh, how time flies..... this too makes me sad..... They love their teachers, "a" got Mrs. Goss and "e" got Mrs. Adams, {who happens to be the same teacher "a" had for 1st grade}.... so, here's to a great school year.... and to me passing the P&C test...... wish me luck....{I'm going to need it!}

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I've had some close ones......

The hen that you see above has been cracking us up lately...... Mr. Johnson and his family have a tradition {or old wives tale} that you don't tell bad dreams before breakfast {it's bad luck and if you do, they'll come true}. So, a couple of mornings ago we were sitting at the breakfast table and "A" was telling her dream and she stopped and said she shouldn't tell it because it just might come true.... Well, I spoke up and said that I had never heard of that until I met her daddy and none of my bad dream had ever came true..... well, "A" spoke up then and said " me either but I have had some close calls lately!" Then she proceeded to tells us about some of her "close calls".... I haven't laughed so hard in a long time....... this kid you see ..... she cracks us Up!

You see your left hand.....

On the way home from church last night this is the conversation that took place between the 2RedHens and Mr. Johnson..... and Momma is still laughing about it!
The girls and their daddy were talking about who they would come to for help with school work as they get older..... like daddy for math, momma for history (which in it's self is funny since daddy is a history major) anywho.... the bighen tells the littlehen that she can come to her with help with 1st grade stuff like words, right and left......"then she proceeds to impart some of her "wisdom" {on a side note if you know "a" you know she is just full of this kind of stuff ..... she alos picks the most random times to impart it....}...." you know your left hand makes a "L" when you look at it" daddy asks "Addie who taught you that?" Addie "I just know that kind of stuff, daddy." when "E" all of the sudden pipes in and says " but both hands makes an "L" so how does that help me any?" "Y'all are crazy!" Addie tries to explain that the "L" is backward on the right hand, but the laughter from the front seat was distracting her.......

Sunday, August 2, 2009

School Begins Again....

This is our last week of summer break and our summer has flown by...... we have been busy with VBS..... Camp "Art"selle...... 2 Golf Camps...... Swim Lessons { thanks Jack (aka the swim whisper) for teaching the 2Redhens to swim in one week!}........ Opening Mr. Johnson's new State Farm Office...... planning weddings....... taking insurance tests {and making a higher score than Mr. Johnson, might I add}....... buying school supplies...... finding out who our teachers are..... pulling our 1st 2 teeth at home {the big redhen has had to have all of her teeth pulled by the dentist until now}...... bowling with kidsbowlfree....... going to point mallard....... and now we have to spend the last week getting back into school swing...... going to bed and getting up early.... we have orientation and get to meet our teacher this week...... and starting Monday 8-10-09 it's back to school for the 2RedHens!!!! and to State Farm and Quail Creek for Momma!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PGA Bound Baby!

Are we ready for the PGA............ well probably not........ but we had a fun 2 weeks at golf camp learning about the grip...... and getting on the horse....... {thanks Drew for that} The Little RedHen came in from the course on the first day proclaiming that she was really good at golf and was already better than daddy! {Ha! I had to laugh at that because he asked if he could come to golf camp to!} The Big RedHen is a little more laidback and not shouting her greatness from the mountiantops but did have a growing aire as the weeks progressed.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Create Portraiture {x2}

Here are some more..... they only let me put 8MB and that was not enough space to share my favorites....... i still have like a million more but this will have to do for now........... hope you enjoy them as much as i do........

Thank You Aunt Heb.... we'll be using some of these in the new office!!!!!!

Create Portraiture

Here are some of the pictures from 2RedHens latest photoshoot with my ever so fabulous sister-in-law Heather.... Can I just take a minute to say she ROCKS!!!!!!!! Thanks Heather for the pics and just comment me and i can get you her contact info so you too can have some fabulous pics just lke these for your kiddos!!


Coming soon New pics of the 2RedHens......btw........anyone notice i've been redecorating?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wherever you go....there you are......

so........i've been bloggin about more than just the 2redhens as of late......but i hear these little statement and i want take them to heart and put them to practice.......easier said than done......the saying above seems easy enough, huh? but when you dig in it means so much can teach you to stop constantly wishing you were somewhere else. we tend {or at least i do} to believe that if we were somewhere else - on vacation, with others, had a different career, a different home, a different circumstance - somehow we {or should i say i} would be happier and more content. but guess what.......we wouldn't!!!! Truth is these habits of whining, wishing thing were different, feeling flustrated and annoyed will follow me and you wherever we go........ and so the reverse is true. if we have have a happy, content attitude that too will follow us from person to person from place to place......

so....... my new focus is to become more peaceful with where i am, rather than focusing on where i would rather be........i believe that i will begin to find a new peace in the present.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If someone throws you the ball........ don't have to catch it! I need to learn to take this advice to heart. With all the hooplah going on with the opening of the office.....decisions on paint stickers.....counter goes on and on. I've got to learn to say NO! last week was VBS and swim lessons.....btw jack....aka the swim whisper successfully taught the 2redhens to swim in 1 week.......this week is working on the office......and next week is camp Artselle.....and golf camp...... oh......please someone teach me to not catch the ball when it is thrown to me! And as if there isn't enough going on i start training to work in the office very soon.......i'm going to start dropping all these balls very's some pic's of my 2redhens doing what they do when school is out.......have fun.......

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The last day of school.......

I have put off writing this blog about the last day of school ......(the last day was well over a week ago).....because it has hit me recently that my little ones are well not little ones any more. You see my little redhen finished up kindergarten and is now a "grader"..... Here's a quick story about the word ""grader"........ When we lived in madison we had the sweetest neighbor's ever.... the Riley's....... and their little boy Samuel and our oldest redhen started kindergarten together, and all year they waited and waited until they could be "grader's" like the big kids they so looked up to...... so, now little E is a "grader" and I don't want her to be! I want her to stay a little and need me......I asked her the last day of school did she not just want to go back to Mrs. S next year and do Kindergarten again.....I mean is that too much to ask? and she looked at me with that look she has........ and said.......... "momma, NO.....if you want a baby then just have another baby!" I told her that wasn't really an option and that I didn't want to start all over with a little baby......... I just wanted her to stay in Kindergarten and to that she replied....... "well, just adopt a kid that is ready for kindergarten then......... because I'm going to first grade next year!"..... So, I am sad....... but I'm excited for her........ that she approaches life with such anticipation........... I hope 1st grade is all she hopes that it will be! The big redhen is also very excited about 3rd grade. I hope that she will finally get a teacher that will challenge her....... we are hope for Mr. W........ Here are some pics from the last day of school........ a sweet friend of mine Tara Mc..... over at made these very cute shirts for the 2redhens should scoot on over there and check out her new 4th of July shirt's ........ we've got to get those too! .........Oh, and BTW before everyone starts were are no going to have another baby.....and no we are not going to adopt any kids.......we have enough going on right now opening the State Farm Office......I'll be posting on that soon......

Monday, May 25, 2009

Addison Brooke Johnson

Addison Brooke Johnson made her grand debut on May 20th (i know i'm a week a late) at 3:15 a.m after a VERY LONG but not painful labor. She weighted in at 8lbs and was 21in. long. After a very "eventful" beginning she captured every ones heart's immediately with her dimpled chin and red curls! we were smitten to say the least. And continue to be with her unique ways and loving demeanor. Addie Rook we Love You!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

American Girl Store and Bistro

Last Sunday the 2RedHens and I followed Mr. Johnson back to ATL to visit the American Girl Store and to eat lunch at the bistro for the little hen's birthday. We had so much fun. E got Mia (her AG doll) a new hairstyle, new clothes, a pet, and a bag to carry her in......i know you saying and how much was all that.....and i'm pleading the 5th just in case Mr. Johnson decides to take up blog reading....ha........ A who doesn't have a AG doll borrowed this sweet doll to eat luch with her and named her Lucille.....but was calling her have to know her to get her unique humor...... a bought the new doll of the year Chrissa's movie and we have watched it about 20 times this past week......they love it.......and i love it because it teaches wonderful lessons in life in a very wholesome manner......those movies are hard to come by in these days and times. We had some very funny conversations while on our trip and i share one from each hens as i go and more pics........

1st the Little RedHen.........

Little Hen: (upon coming home from the AG store) "Momma who cleaned our room and made our beds?"
Momma: "The housekeeping does that"
LittleHen: "Wow! Can we move to a hotel so i don't have to make my bed anymore!"

I do believe this girl better marry someone who can afford to take care of her.......she really does love extravagant things!

Now for the BigHen...................

BigHen: "Oh.....I'm really gonna wish that i had asked santa for one of these dolls......"
LittleHen: "I tried to tell you how much fun this was going to be usual you didn't listen to me"
BigHen: "Well, maybe i'll start now!"
Momma: "I think you just caught up in the excitement of the day. do you think you would really play with a doll?"
Big Hen: "Probably not......but E thinks she knows that i would!"

I must say I sure do love these 2RedHens!!!!!!!! And if you have girls and haven't made the trip to Alpharetta, GA it's soooooooo worth it!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Elliott Claire Johnson....

On this day 6 years ago we were blessed with our second RedHen......and not a day goes by that we aren't reminded how wonderful she is! She was born at 11:15 am ....weighing 7lbs6oz and was 19 inches long........and we've been in love with her ever since! Happy Birthday Ellie!!!!!!!! We Love You!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter 2009

He is Risen........He is Risen Indeed!

We had a wonderful Easter 2009. PGBC (our church) had a fantastic walk through Easter event for the families this year, and we loved it! Then we hunted eggs of only took the kids 5 minutes to find over 500 eggs! I think we broke last year's record.......

wow....I hope they always love each other this much!
We hope everyone's Easter was as full of Blessings as the Johnson's was!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Today I'm taking me fishing.......

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter! I know our family did..... This pic was taken at the Sherrill Compound Easter day. It's my 2RedHens and my little bro's kids.....Kamo and Jessie Gage.....who are a hoot! Gage started asking papa to take him fishing as soon as he got there.....and i was asking him how his new adventures into t-ball were going......i was laughing so hard! FYI just ask a 5 year old have they stolen any bases yet and get ready for the laughter!

Mr. Johnson had to leave again Sunday afternoon and will be gone for 3 weeks this The girls and i are following him back down next Sunday and taking E to the American Girl Doll Store for her Birthday......(yes, they are taking 2 "educational field trip days" from school), fun, fun.....i cannot wait for that!'s off to bed for me......I've got to work job still rocks.....i met with my very own bride today and I'm excited to be helping her with her wedding! here's one more pic of the kiddo's on Easter (Sawyer my older bro's little boy wasn't in attendance.....

Incase your wondering the title of my post comes from a song by Eric it!!!!!!

I woke up early this morning......And I'm already running late....There's a list of things long as my arm....I won't get done today.....Is it Tuesday, is it Wednesday....They're running into each other....Somebody tell me when it's my day....Man this life can sure be a mother...:So tomorrow I'm taking me fishing.... Hang a sign on the door of my life.....Tell the world that I've gone missing....And I won't be back for a while.....I'm so tired of only wishing.... I could leave my trouble behind......I wanna be front porch rocking....With the big sun dropping in a blue sky.....Kick back and get high ....On the livin' part of life

Sunday, March 29, 2009


it has been a busy....busy... weekend at the johnson house. mr. johnson got back home on friday afternoon and the whirlwind that was our weekend ensued. we spent friday night looking at the office he'll be taking over and trying to make some decisions about that........the saturday morning we went furniture shopping for the office and we still aren't any closer to deciding than we were a week ago....then it was off to a birthday party for a sweet, sweet boy in the little hen's class......the hen's had a blast......then i dropped them with their granny and papaw so mr. johnson and i could make a trip that we have been so excited for.......

we went to huntsville to see our dear, dear friends the winkles. after a battle with infertility, they welcomed beautiful twins into the world last thursday! chase alan....and claire marie made their grand debut.......we have waited and prayed for these sweet babies for many our God blesses he really shows up, huh?.......i wish the winkle babies and their momma and daddy a wonderfully blessed life............

today has been really rushed...with mr. johnson leaving again....and all the pollen has me and the 2redhens feeling like we are stuck in a drum....ha....... we made it to sunday school but had to leave before church because the little hen felt so bad.......we were however happy to have a dear friends the grimes' back in our presence......they have had a rough couple of weeks because of decisions mr. grimes is making in his job.......i'll leave it at that....... but please remember to pray for them and thier safety, daily.......along with stellan......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh, my soul..........

When clouds veil sun
And disaster comes
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

When waters rise
And hope takes flight
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go

When clouds brought rain
And disaster came
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

When waters rose
And hope had flown
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul

Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, my soul
Fills hope
Perfect love that never lets go
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, what love, oh, what love

In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You’re the same
Oh, You never let go

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ATV Riding in Bankhead

so....last week was spring break for the mr. johnson has the fabulous idea to take them 4-wheeler riding.....after much hestiation from the little hen.......we set out.........and as you can see they had a blast.......minus when addie got the shiner from having a run in with the handlebars....ha......
i want to share some funny convo's with the hens while riding thru the forest.......

little hen : momma how far into these woods are we going to go?
me : i'm not sure why, are you tired of riding?
little hen : we'll i think we should turn around now...because nothing good ever happens in the dark forest! (i wish i could express how very serious the girl was)

big hen : momma how come you don't drive your 4-wheeler as fast as daddy does?
me : well i don't want you having another run in with the handlebars.......
big hen : don't blame daddy's driving .....blame him for asking me to look for turkey's and not letting me pay attention......ha
and you should have seen the eye on saturday.......way was swollen almost shut......and she in all seriousness told me that she felt like a redneck now that she's had a black eye.........and the stories she told on church sunday....priceless........

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today.......i am praying........for so many are just a few...................the grimes family.............. MckMama at my charming kids ................ and our country.....................

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. matthew 7:25

Friday, March 20, 2009

really....has it been a month?.......well, i have been super busy, plus mr. johnson has been home this month and not traveling so i haven't had as many late nights.....but he leaves again next i'll be posting more i'm sure......what else is there to do at 1 am........anyway on to the reason for the post.......i have been blessed to be a stay-at-home momma for the past 8 yep count them 8 years....and since my little redhen started school i have been itching to find something part time to do. i wanted it to be something that i loved and could really, about 3 weeks ago i get a call from a mother in the big redhens room at school asking if i would be interested in working with her........she is a wedding and event planner at the local golf course.....would i be interested?'s only my dream job!, i interview and get the position....yeah! is super flexable and i only work from 8 till, i can still take and drop the hens at'm loving it......well, so far......ha!

Friday, February 20, 2009


So....i haven't mentioned it but i am the room-momma for both of my redhens classes. Well, today was my little redhen's teachers birthday. and if i do say so myself i came up with the cutest ideas ever! to start i had all the kido's wear red shirts today (the favorite color of the mrs. s of course)along with delivering her reese cup's ( her candy bar of choice). And let me say, i was concerned if this would work but when i got there to do jr. achievement this morning there were 19 adorable smiling faces all in red shirts....along with reese cup's covering mrs. s's desk. and on a side note today was also class picture day....and let me just say that all kids in red shirts sure makes for a fabulous class back to the birthday present.....anyway, before i started my lesson i asked the kids if they wanted to give mrs. s her present...and of course they all cheered....and we presented her her here i must say that this present took about a month to pull together but i was so worth it.....she opened her gift and found this......

she loved it! i had each child's parent take them to the local craft store and pick a charm that represented them and i put them on a charm bracelet....and then i did a little list of who got what and why and made it pretty and gave her that....(i'm not putting it on here because of privacy issues) but i will say my little redhen got the diamond star because she is fancy and a star! (her words not mine) wrap things up today i rock as a room-momma!!!!!! it's a good day a very good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. we go.......

i did not drive 300 miles to visit mr johnson on his business trip this last weekend just to get a good night sleep...because of course i get my 6 hours whether he is her or not........

we did not take the 2redhens to downtown atl and while we were not in said downtown area we did not see a protest for change in the congo.... in-front of the cnn center and flee for our safety...not us....we would never......

i did not totally forget to take my wonderful husbands valentine's on the afore mention trip that i didn't go on......i'm not forgetful....

and last but not least.....i absolutly did not miss out on all the fun stuff at the 2redhens v-day parties last week at school because i was busy spilting my time between the classes.....and since i didn't do that i didn't spend more time in the halls walking back and forth between classes.....btw.....on the subject of v-day parties...i also didn't forget to send the 2redhens teachers goodies either.....i'm so totally not sleep deprived and losing my mind....that is why i absolutly didn't even commit the first not me!!!!

have a great monday.... and don't forget to get over to mckmama's and leave your not me's!