I have put off writing this blog about the last day of school ......(the last day was well over a week ago).....because it has hit me recently that my little ones are well not little ones any more. You see my little redhen finished up kindergarten and is now a "grader"..... Here's a quick story about the word ""grader"........ When we lived in madison we had the sweetest neighbor's ever.... the Riley's....... and their little boy Samuel and our oldest redhen started kindergarten together, and all year they waited and waited until they could be "grader's" like the big kids they so looked up to...... so, now little E is a "grader" and I don't want her to be! I want her to stay a little and need me......I asked her the last day of school did she not just want to go back to Mrs. S next year and do Kindergarten again.....I mean is that too much to ask? and she looked at me with that look she has........ and said.......... "momma, NO.....if you want a baby then just have another baby!" I told her that wasn't really an option and that I didn't want to start all over with a little baby......... I just wanted her to stay in Kindergarten and to that she replied....... "well, just adopt a kid that is ready for kindergarten then......... because I'm going to first grade next year!"..... So, I am sad....... but I'm excited for her........ that she approaches life with such anticipation........... I hope 1st grade is all she hopes that it will be! The big redhen is also very excited about 3rd grade. I hope that she will finally get a teacher that will challenge her....... we are hope for Mr. W........ Here are some pics from the last day of school........ a sweet friend of mine Tara Mc..... over at
http://smittenandco.blogspot.com/ made these very cute shirts for the 2redhens .......you should scoot on over there and check out her new 4th of July shirt's ........ we've got to get those too! .........Oh, and BTW before everyone starts asking......no were are no going to have another baby.....and no we are not going to adopt any kids.......we have enough going on right now opening the State Farm Office......I'll be posting on that soon......

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