it has been a busy....busy... weekend at the johnson house. mr. johnson got back home on friday afternoon and the whirlwind that was our weekend ensued. we spent friday night looking at the office he'll be taking over and trying to make some decisions about that........the saturday morning we went furniture shopping for the office and we still aren't any closer to deciding than we were a week ago....then it was off to a birthday party for a sweet, sweet boy in the little hen's class......the hen's had a blast......then i dropped them with their granny and papaw so mr. johnson and i could make a trip that we have been so excited for.......
we went to huntsville to see our dear, dear friends the winkles. after a battle with infertility, they welcomed beautiful twins into the world last thursday! chase alan....and claire marie made their grand debut.......we have waited and prayed for these sweet babies for many years.......wow......when our God blesses he really shows up, huh?.......i wish the winkle babies and their momma and daddy a wonderfully blessed life............
today has been really rushed...with mr. johnson leaving again....and all the pollen has me and the 2redhens feeling like we are stuck in a drum....ha....... we made it to sunday school but had to leave before church because the little hen felt so bad.......we were however happy to have a dear friends the grimes' back in our presence......they have had a rough couple of weeks because of decisions mr. grimes is making in his job.......i'll leave it at that....... but please remember to pray for them and thier safety, daily.......along with stellan......
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