Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm a FAILURE! & Blogging Overload....

So.... At the beginning of the year I wrote this post about how I was "planning" on posting once a week.  I even went as far as to set it as on of my yearly goals.  You know those goals that I set for myself instead of resolutions. Well, they have been a JOKE this year!  Here's the short version of the year to play catch up and hopefully I'll do some more detailed blogs on some of this stuff soon because man have we had a doozie!  We finally found a house and moved in March. Actually it was the original house we almost closed on last October but that's A LONG STORY that deserves its own blog. The girls finished school which was Addie's last year of Elementary School. She's now officially a Jr High student and HATES it (again another story) I'm either going to have to start meds or take up drinking to get me through it!  To add to my instability Elliott leaves Elementary school this year... Boy Mr. Johnson & I are getting old! Summer started out great  we got memberships to NEW Hartselle Aquatic Center and spent several days a week there. Then on July 4th Addie was burned by a malfunctioning firework. We spent 12 days in the Children's Hospital Burn Unit in B'Ham and we are forever changed. This absolutely requires its own post and if you follow me on twitter or are my friend on Facebook you already know the story but I'll get to it here also. School started with no Vacay because of the accident. Elliott is loving it... Addie not so much!  I'm back to the grind at the office trying out a new role in marketing. And football is upon us!

It's a start right?


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