Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
so...it's been a busy last couple of weeks.....i missed not me monday last week....so i've got some doozies this week.....
first off...i absolutely did not completely let the washing pile up last week because i wanted to spend time with mr. johnson while he was home.....and because i had all the laundry completely caught up mr johnson did not have to iron his own shirts before he left sunday because i was sick....nope not me!
I also did not forget to water the oldest redhens seed that she planted at school and i totally didn't just throw it away and not tell her....and on the same note i also did not flush the little redhens dead fish and not tell her that it had died for a month (lets not mention it took her a month to miss the fish)....and when she got mad about it i absolutely did not tell her that her daddy would get her a puppy this summer......not me!
and one more for the road....i was not the least little bit aggravated when mr. johnson (for the 3rd year in a row) got me the wrong kind of ice cream cake for my birthday. i do not tell him every year that i like the kind from the grocery store with actual cake with ice cream on top not the dairy queen kind (only ice cream no cake)! then i absolutely did not tease him about it for 3 days following my birthday....nope not me! regardless of what kind of cake he gets i am head over heels for him still and that is not part of my not me monday!!!!!! that's the truth...yep, he's my favorite!!!!!
hope you all have a great week!